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Slalom, Tricks & Jump Skiing - Nautique Hydrogate, Microtuners & Ballast System

American Water Ski Association

Nautique HydroGate, Micro Tuners and Ballast System

Nautique Hydrogate – 2018 & Earlier

The Nautique Hydrogate can be set in one of two positions, slalom or tricks/jump (may not be set in between modes).

 Tricks: The default position is the trick mode. The skier has the option of using the slalom mode. It is the skier’s responsibility to inform the boat crew when choosing the slalom option. The skier may choose to change the setting between passes.

 Jump: The default position is the jump mode. The skier has the option of using the slalom mode. It is the skier’s responsibility to inform the boat crew of slalom option prior to leaving the dock. In Class C tournaments only, the skier may choose to change the setting between jumps.

 Slalom: The gate will remain in the slalom mode.

Nautique Hydrogate & MicroTuners – 2019 & Later

The Nautique Hydrogate has 11 settings (Zero to Ten – inclusive).

 Slalom: The gate will remain in the slalom mode. Microtuners - There will be NO RE- RIDES for a setting different than requested, as long as the adjustment for the line length is within the Matrix provided by the company. If a rope length is selected that changes the MicroTuner setting (for example the proper rope length should have had the MicroTuners deployed and the chosen length did not deploy them), then a reride will be allowed. If a complete pass was made, there will be no reride.

 Tricks: The Trick Hydrogate will be 0 to 10. The default setting is Trick mode (10). The Hydrogate may be adjusted to a setting from 0 to 10 of Slalom (0), Middle 1 to 9 or Trick mode (10). The skier may choose to change the setting between passes.

 Jump: The Jump Hydrogate will be 0 to 10. The default setting is Jump mode (10). The Hydrogate may be adjusted to a setting of Slalom (0), Middle 1 to 9 or Jump mode 10. It is the skier’s responsibility to inform the boat crew his Hydrogate setting prior to leaving the dock. It will remain in that position for his/her turn

Ski Nautique Ballast System – Tricks Only – 2019 & Later

If equipped, the ballast system starting level may be chosen by the skier (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%). The skier may select +/- 50% for his second pass based on his first pass selection. The LOC along with the CJ may set a maximum upper ballast level. If so, the skier may not exceed that limit when selecting a second pass change.