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Slalom, Tricks & Jump Skiing - Add Weight For Tricks

American Water Ski Association

Here are the applicable rules from AWSA and IWWF regarding adding ADDITIONAL weight for the trick event:

AWSA RULE - 8.02 (b) Boats

Added Weight: It is the duty of the boat judge, in consultation with the driver, to supervise adding a suitable weight in any event to even out boat balance, wakes, spray, or handling. This weight shall not present a hazard to the boat occupants or potential harm to the boat interior.

For tricks, the skier may place a tournament-supplied weight of between 20-50 kg (44-110 pounds) in the boat (either on the floor by the feet of the release operator or behind the engine cover) with side to side positioning as decided by the skier or release operator.

IWWF RULE – 15.11 Tricks

The skier may place a tournament supplied weight of between 20 - 50 kg in the boat on the floor side to side by the feet of the pin man or behind the engine cover.

If a manufacturer can supply something to enhance the wake and it is the same for all skiers then it can be allowed.

The IWWF rule is different from the AWSA Rule -- in that IWWF specifically allows the towboat manufacturer to “supply something to enhance the wake.” Our interpretation of this rule is that it applies only to the towboat manufacturer – and not to any official or other individual. This provision was used previously at the World Championships where MasterCraft in consultation with the Chief Judge and Driver added weight.

AWSA has no similar provision – as such, all boats must be used as tested and approved. The Towboat policy provides an option for towboat companies to enhance the wake specifically for tricks, but states it must be verifiable, tested and approved.