Kennedy Hansen slalom skiing
Photography: Phillip Fields


Officials Needed For 2025 IWWF World University Waterski Championships

by Scott N. Atkinson

On or after July 30, 2024, the AWSA International Activities Committee (IAC) will nominate officials for the 2025 international event listed on the linked form. To be considered, you MUST COMPLETE AND RETURN THE FORM BY EMAIL NOT LATER THAN JULY 20, 2024 (including the information on the reverse side). All judges and scorers must hold a 3-event Pan Am rating, and all drivers must hold a 3-event Senior or Pan Am rating. REMEMBER THAT YOUR PAN AM RATING MUST BE CURRENT, INCLUDING ANY APPLICABLE RE-TESTING REQUIREMENTS, TO BE CONSIDERED. Information about renewing your Pan Am rating is at: For this event, IWWF will then fill these positions from among the nominees. Partial travel expense reimbursement may be available, although the availability and amount of any reimbursement is not yet determined.

To be considered for this event, you must provide the IAC with a list of the Class R-L-E tournaments you have worked at during the last three (3) years showing your proficiency at the high level of competition expected for this tournament (see IWWF Ranking List). A questionnaire is attached for this purpose. Specific attention will be paid to work at Elite/Major tournaments. Your list of tournaments should be provided with your returned form.