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Wakeboarding Age Divisions

USA Wakeboard

USA Wakeboard Male and Female Age Divisions for Competition

Competitions are separated into the following divisions as determined by the contestant’s age. The contestant’s age on Jan. 1 of the calendar year shall determine his/her division for the entire calendar year. For example, if the contestant is 9 years old on Jan. 1, he/she will compete in JR Boys/Girls division for all competitions in the calendar year.
Division Age
JR BOYS 9 years and under
BOYS 10 - 13 years inclusive
JR MEN 14 - 18 years inclusive
MEN I 19 - 24 years inclusive
MEN II 25 - 29 years inclusive
MASTERS 30 - 39 years inclusive
VETERANS 40 - 65 years inclusive
PRO MEN  All ages
OPEN MEN  All ages not pro
Division Age
JR GIRLS 9 years and under
GIRLS 10 -13 years inclusive
JR WOMEN 14 - 18 years inclusive
AMATEUR WOMEN 19 - 29 years inclusive
MASTERS 30 - 39 years inclusive
VETERANS 40 - 65 years inclusive
PRO WOMEN All ages
OPEN WOMEN  All ages not pro