The U.S. Center for SafeSport accepts all reports of sexual abuse and child abuse within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Report here if you have reasonable suspicion of sexual misconduct or harassment, child abuse (including child sexual abuse), or intimate relationships involving an imbalance of power.

In addition, individuals may, and in many cases MUST report any allegation of child physical or sexual abuse to relevant law enforcement authorities. USA Water Ski & Wake Sports recommends you contact your local law enforcement authorities if you have a reasonable suspicion that child sexual abuse or neglect has occurred or have received a report of child sexual abuse or neglect. Reports or abuse not involving a minor may also be reported to local law enforcement authorities. Review your state’s mandatory reporting laws.

The Center also accepts reports of emotional and physical misconduct (including but not limited to bullying, hazing, stalking, and harassment) within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. There are no associated costs, fees, or other financial barriers to submit a report. Reports of emotional and physical misconduct can also be reported directly to the USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Executive Director at or (863) 508-2095, or can be made anonymously here.

To report a violation of the MAAPP (Minor Athlete Abuse Protection Policy), please contact or (863) 508-2093.