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23rd Bank First Division 2 Show Ski National Championships

Smalley Park, Shawano, Wis., Aug. 2-4, 2024

Sanction Number: 24J017

Location: Smalley Park, Shawano, WI

Tournament Class: Class A

Club/Event Organizer: Shawano Ski Sharks

Entry Requirements and Mandatory Meeting

TEAM - Competing teams shall be responsible for meeting all entry requirements per NSSA Rule 6.04 for Entry Requirements and 6.04.1 for Tournament Paperwork.

Note: Rule 6.04 #4 - The sponsor may require forms 1-8 submitted any time up to 7 days prior (fourteen days for a Regional or National tournament) to the scheduled start of the tournament via electronic submission, or if not using electronic submission, it must be stated in the tournament announcement. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a 100% penalty of the entry fee for that tournament. If all paperwork has not been submitted 1 hour before the team competition starts the team will not ski.

Rule 6.04 #7 - Forms 9-15 will be required up to 24 hours before the tournament starts and be given to the tournament designee. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a 100% penalty of the entry fee for that tournament. If all paperwork has not been submitted 1 hour before the team competition starts the team will not ski.

  • Download NSSA Rulebook. Each team must send a representative to the mandatory meetings, and check-in at the registration tent like usual at the following times: Teams Mandatory Meeting - Friday, Aug. 2, 6 p.m. in registration tent

INDIVIDUALS - Competing teams shall be responsible for meeting all entry requirements per NSSA Rule 5.01 General Qualifications - For Individual and Show Acts competitors that have entered a tournament by the entry deadline the following entry requirements must also be met. * D2 National Tournament entry deadline is July 15 of the current year to be in the rotation for that year. (See Chapters 5 & 6 of the NSSA Policies and Procedures for more info on Nationals tournaments entry). Also, at Regional and National tournaments a competitor in Swivel, Doubles and Freestyle Jump must be a USA citizen. 

Note: Rule 5.01 #7 - The sponsor may require forms #1-6 up to 24 hours before the start of the Individuals portion of the tournament. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a penalty of 100% of the entry fee for that tournament and must be paid before a competitor may compete.

Individuals Mandatory Meeting Before each event as determined by Chief Safety

Tournament and Technical Contacts

D2 Tournament Contact: Shane Theiss (requirements, instructions/procedures, deadlines, meetings, rules, site, etc.)

D2 Technical Contact: Brad Satterlee  (online submission form, file downloads, PDF issues, etc.)

Online Team Entry

Online Individual Entry

Team Paperwork Checklist and Submission Requirements

(Only Teams and Individuals that have been seeded to ski should submit these documents.)

Online paperwork submission deadline: D1 forms 1-8 are due the Tuesday after the seeding meeting by 11:59 PM CT.  The seeding meeting is on the Monday evening after the last regional tournament as stated in the NSSA P&P Chapter 5, Section 1-2

ITEMS #1 through #8 below MUST be submitted via online form. PDFs preferred. 

ITEMS #9 through #15 must be brought with you in hard copy form to your mandatory meeting.

1. Team Generated Tournament Roster (Name, Address, Birthdate and team duty (Driver/Rider/Skier/Announcer/Support) for each member)

◦ this is your team's own roster that is usually maintained by a membership person

◦ must match #2, and will be verified

◦ 1-Nationals_Roster_template.xlsx

2. USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Team Roster (This should be downloaded directly from USA WSWS and not manipulated in any way.)

◦ obtain through your team/club login on the USA-WSWS website

◦ must match #1, and will be verified

3. Team Officials Roster from USA Water Ski & Wake Sports highlighting the following:

◦ NSSA Safety Coordinator

  • Show Director(s) and Assistant Show Director(s) or equivalent, if the team has one, show proof of completion of SafeSport Training and proof of current passed background check.
  • Tournament Drivers ratings

4. Club USA WS affiliation certificate-(SCR 6.01) COMPLETED IN TEAM ENTRY

5. 5-NSSADriversFormTournament.pdf (SCR 1.08)

6. 6-TowboatLiabilityNSSA.pdf (NSSA Version)

  • Certificates of Insurance (COI) or copies of the Declaration Pages to the boat policies
  • Proper for certificate holder and additional insured
  • Make sure COI and endorsement for each boat are organized accordingly and in order by motorized craft

7. If using kite flying as an act in the show, the pilot(s) must provide a copy of the current USHPA membership card(s) that indicated the pilot(s) are rated “Hang 2” or better and a copy of the hang glider manufacturers sticker(s). This information must also be provided to the chief judge.

8. 8-WirelessMicAndClubRadioFrequencies.pdf (SCR 9.09) - 1 copy

9. 9-MaleAndFemaleSkierNominations – 8 copies

10. 10-TeamsFactSheetWebcast – 2 copies (Webcasted tournaments only)

11. 11-USAWSWSMusicForm.pdf – 1 copy (Webcasted tournaments only)

12. 12-NSSAJudgesForm.pdf - 15 copies (SCR 2.03)

13. 13-ActReasoningForm.pdf – 14 copies (SCR2.0)

14. 14-NSSASafetyDirectorTrackingReport.pdf – 1 copy

15. 15-WebcastProductionForm- 3 copies (Webcasted tournaments only)

Jotform for Judges, Act Reasoning, & Safety Director Tracking Report JotForm PDF filler for 3 forms If you choose to use to fill out 3 forms #12, 13 & 14 above

◦ Fill out form. Save to you computer and print.

◦ Should still print the necessary number of copies for each form and bring to mandatory meeting.

Individual Paperwork Checklist and Submission Requirements

Online paperwork submission deadline: 11:59 p.m. (CDT) Tuesday, July 30, pass list due by 11:59 p.m. (CDT) Wednesday, July 31 to Chief Scorer - Alice Jensen -

Documents #1 through #5 below MUST be submitted via online form #6 if necessary. PDFs preferred.

Online Form Link

1. Copy of Boat Drivers USA-WSWS Officials card or USA-WSWS officials roster (highlighted for team jump)(not needed for Freestyle)

2. Copy of Pin Persons USA-WSWS card(s) or USA-WSWS roster with pin person(s) (highlighted for team jump)(not needed for Freestyle)

3. I3-Webcast_Announcer_Information_Sheet_Individual.pdf

4. I4-TeamJumpRoster.pdf

5. Pass List - fill out pass list via form link below. Save to you computer and upload to nationals online form for paperwork submission

Swivel Pass List

Doubles Pass List

6. If you are using a personal boat or a boat that is not listed with a team in the competition at your tournament you will also need to submit a USAWS-WS NSSA version Towboat Liability form with a COI with at least $500,000 liability and the appropriate additional insured wordage.

6-TowboatLiabilityNSSA.pdf (NSSA Version)

Working with PDFs

PDF files are preferred for the required team competition paperwork upload.

Do not complete PDFs in a web browser. Download PDFs to your computer, open with Adobe Reader or full version of Acrobat if you have it, and then complete the form. Remember to save it!

By default, some computers and tablets are set to automatically open PDFs in a web browser. If this is the case, right click on the PDF file and choose the "open with..." option to open in Acrobat Reader, Adobe Reader, or Acrobat.

Post Tournament Paperwork

All competing teams are to receive copies of their own Judges Forms and copies of all Scorers Forms. All Judges and Scorers forms are considered public information and shall be made available upon request. All requests for additional copies shall be made in writing, prior to the start of the tournament, to the Chief Scorer; and the requesting person shall pay for all copying and mailing expense, if any.

You must provide a USB (aka flash or thumb) drive if you would like your post tournament paperwork digitally. Please be sure to label your USB drive with your team name. Bring to Mandatory meeting when you turn in your final paperwork.

Your team will still receive copies of their written Judges Forms and their own Scorers Form.

To make sure everyone is clear on what Individual events will be held at the 2024 Division 2 Nationals, please note the list below. The entry deadline is July 15, 2024. This deadline must be met regardless of when regional qualifier tournaments are held.

Division 2 Nationals

Swivel Open - National Championship Event

Swivel 360 - National Championship Event

Swivel 180 - National Championship Event

Swivel Pairs Open - National Championship Event

Swivel Pairs 360 - Exhibition Event

Doubles Open - National Championship Event

Doubles Intermediate - Exhibition Event

Freestyle Jump Open - National Championship Event

Freestyle Jump Intermediate - Exhibition Event

Freestyle Jump Intermediate (Female) - Exhibition Event

Team Jump - National Championship Event

Additional Details:

EVENT SCHEDULE for the 2024 D2 National Show Ski Team Championships

*all times CDT/Local Time*

Friday, Aug. 2

8:00 a.m. - Individual Competition Begins

Swivel 180

Swivel 360

Swivel Open

Swivel Pairs 360

Swivel Pairs Open

Doubles Intermediate

Doubles Open

Freestyle Jump

Team Jump

(Individual Awards to Follow Last Team)

6:00 PM- Mandatory Team Meeting with Chief Judge- (After meeting until 8:00 p.m. final in-person paperwork and entry fees on site )

Saturday, Aug. 3

7:00 a.m. - Team Competition begins with 20-minute set up

Sunday, Aug. 4

7:00 a.m. - Team Competition begins with 20-minute set up

(Awards to follow completion of last team)